Vitamin D - Viktilabs

Vitamin D deficiency symptoms and causes

Vitamin D is also widely known as the sunshine vitamin , because the sun is the most important source for the production of vitamin D. However, according to a study by the Robert Koch Institute , more than half of Germans are not optimally supplied with vitamin D. ¹

Here you will learn how to recognize a possible deficiency in you, how it arises and what you can do about it.

We at +Viktilabs have put together a discount code for you on all our products that contain vitamin D3 . You can find this discount code further down in the article.

What is vitamin D?

First we need to clarify something: Vitamin D is not strictly speaking a vitamin, but a hormone . Our body can produce it itself with the help of solar radiation. The UV-B rays in sunlight ensure that a precursor of vitamin D is converted into vitamin D3 . You can also find this form of vitamin D in high-quality food supplements.

Vitamin D is vital because it fulfills many functions in the body. For example, it is needed for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus . As a result, it helps maintain healthy bones . And our immune system also needs vitamin D to function normally.

It is also involved in the production of serotonin ² . This is a neurotransmitter in the brain that transmits signals between nerve cells. It is also known as the “feel-good maker” because it can activate the reward center of our brain.

These are the symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency

People suffering from a vitamin D deficiency often show the following typical symptoms: ³

• Susceptibility to infection
• Muscle cramps and weakness
• frequent exhaustion
• mild irritability
• Depression and other mental disorders
• Bone problems

Bone problems are one of the most common symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. Even in children, it can lead to softening of the bones, known as rickets .
In older people, a lack of vitamin D can lead to osteoporosis . This is the medical term for a reduction in bone mass, which causes bones to become brittle.

The good news is that bone problems only occur when there is an acute, long-term deficiency. All other symptoms, however, can occur even if the vitamin D supply is not optimal.

Causes of vitamin D deficiency

There are a number of possible reasons why you might be suffering from a vitamin D deficiency:

1. Too much time indoors

Most of us spend most of our day indoors because of our jobs. The only time we see the sun is outside the office, on the way to work or in our free time in the evening. In winter, we don't even see daylight on these occasions. The skin hardly has a chance to produce vitamin D.

2. Excessive use of sunscreen

Too much sun can cause sunburn and skin cancer . That's why many of us tend to use excessive amounts of sunscreen . The downside: the skin can no longer produce vitamin D efficiently.
Vitamin D deficiency, sunscreen, sunburn

3. Dark skin tone

The darker your skin tone, the more susceptible you are to a vitamin D deficiency. Dark skin does not let sunlight through as well. The result: less vitamin D is produced.

4. Taking certain medications

Some medications affect vitamin D metabolism. The body is then unable to use the vitamin D produced. This can result in a deficiency. The following medications, for example, can affect this metabolism: antiepileptics (for the treatment of epilepsy), statins (for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases) and cytostatics (for the treatment of cancer).

5. Gastrointestinal, liver and kidney diseases

Gastrointestinal diseases can make it difficult to absorb vitamin D , which can quickly lead to a deficiency. Liver and kidney diseases also promote a vitamin D deficiency because the vitamin D produced in the skin still has to be converted into an active form in these organs. This process is more difficult in these diseases. ⁹ ¹⁰

6. Old age

Vitamin D synthesis in the skin decreases with age . Therefore, older people are at higher risk of vitamin D deficiency. And because older people also tend to spend less time outdoors , natural sunlight cannot compensate for this deficiency.

They are also more likely to take medications that can affect vitamin D metabolism . For this reason, older people are at high risk of vitamin D deficiency. ¹ ¹

How to meet your vitamin D needs

There are three strategies to meet your vitamin D needs and prevent a deficiency:

1. Go out into the sun

We cover around 80% of our vitamin D needs with the help of sunlight . However, this is a bit of a balancing act: On the one hand, we need a lot of direct sunlight to produce enough vitamin D. On the other hand, too much sun can also cause skin damage .
The trick is to go out into the sun very regularly, but only for short periods of time.
The length of time you spend in sunlight depends on how sensitive your skin is to light. As a rule of thumb, spend no more than half the time in the sun that would cause you to get sunburn. It's best to do this every day, but at least 2-3 times a week.

2. Take foods containing vitamin D as a supplement

Unfortunately, there are not many foods that contain significant amounts of vitamin D. Nevertheless, part of the vitamin D requirement can be covered through food.
The best source of vitamin D is fish with a high fat content , such as mackerel , herring and halibut . ¹ ² But eggs , avocado and mushrooms also contain some vitamin D. ¹³ ¹⁴ ¹⁵

Foods containing vitamin D

3. Consider supplementing with a vitamin D supplement

Since more than half of Germans are not optimally supplied with this important hormone, supplementing the diet with vitamin D - especially in winter - can be useful. At this time of year, the risk of developing a deficiency is very high because vitamin D cannot be produced in the skin in our latitudes.

Conclusion: Many people cannot meet their vitamin D needs naturally

Vitamin D is essential for our health . Our immune system needs it to function and it helps maintain healthy bones .
Ideally, you should meet your vitamin D needs naturally through the sun . However, since more than half of Germans do not have an optimal supply of vitamin D, it is likely that many people would benefit from supplementation .

As promised, you will receive a 15% voucher on all our products that contain vitamin D3.

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