HPU is a widespread metabolic disorder that, unfortunately, many doctors, therapists and alternative practitioners know little about.
Diagnosing HPU is the biggest hurdle. Because once HPU is confirmed as the cause of the symptoms, HPU can be treated very well with simple means.
Here you will learn what HPU is, what causes it and what successful therapy looks like.
What is HPU?
HPU stands for hemopyrrollactamuria and is a widespread metabolic disorder.
In short, HPU causes problems in the production of heme. Heme forms the center of hemoglobin, the red blood pigment. Heme binds oxygen and is responsible for the oxygen supply.
In people with HPU, in addition to the normal, functional heme, a defective heme is also produced, known as hydroxyhemopyrrole-2-1. This defective heme must be excreted in the urine, for which the body needs vitamin B6, zinc and also some manganese. As a result, people with HPU have an increased need for these nutrients and a deficiency can easily occur.
An estimated 10% of women and 1% of men are affected by HPU. [1]
HPU causes
Since HPU occurs frequently in families, it is strongly assumed that this metabolic disorder is genetic.
It is suspected that there are also acquired forms; that is, that HPU can also be triggered or exacerbated by certain environmental factors.
Cervical spine trauma
According to mitochondrial expert Dr. Budo Kuklinski, there is a connection between cervical spine trauma and pyrrole excretion. Dr. Kuklinski was also able to show that people with cervical spine trauma often have a deficiency in zinc and vitamin B6.
When the cervical spine is injured, high concentrations of nitric oxide (NO) are formed. Large amounts of NO damage the mitochondria (the power plants of our cells). This is said to impair the mitochondria's energy production and disrupt heme formation. [2]
Heavy metal pollution
There appears to be a connection between HPU and high levels of heavy metals, but it is not clear how heavy metals can promote HPU. It is known that heavy metals can trigger gene and enzyme defects. It is therefore conceivable that heavy metals damage enzymes that are involved in heme formation and thus trigger HPU.
People with HPU also often have problems detoxifying heavy metals. And high levels of heavy metal exposure place additional strain on the detoxification system. [3]
HPU symptoms
HPU damages the body in two ways:
- Leads to a lack of essential nutrients
In order to detoxify the defective heme, the body needs vitamin B6, zinc and manganese. This can easily lead to a deficiency in these nutrients. However, these nutrients are very important for the body. If the body does not have enough of them, health problems will arise sooner or later.
- It increases the toxic load
Because people with HPU lack the nutrients they need for detoxification, they often have problems with the effective elimination of toxins. This can lead to an accumulation of toxins in the body, which can cause numerous damages. Heavy metals, for example, can change the genetic makeup and damage the mitochondria.
The following symptoms are typical for HPU:
- Exhaustion and low resilience
- poor stress resistance
- anxiety
- Forgetfulness and short short-term memory
- high sensitivity to light and noise
- missing dream recall
- severe morning sickness
- Anemia
- mild hypoglycemia
- Allergies and food intolerances
Many of these symptoms are non-specific, meaning that they can have many causes and cannot be clearly attributed to HPU. However, if many of these symptoms occur together, this can be an indication of HPU. To better classify the symptoms, there is an online HPU questionnaire .
HPU consequences
HPU also appears to increase the risk of some diseases. HPU is suspected to be involved in the development of the following diseases:
- Thyroid dysfunction
- Hashimoto's thyroiditis
- Tendency to addictive behavior
- infertility
- mental illnesses such as depression, panic attacks and severe mood swings
- migraine
- Diabetes type 2
- Mitochondrial diseases
HPV Test
The defective heme (hydroxyhemopyrrole-2-1) is excreted in the urine and can be detected there.
A laboratory in the Netherlands offers HPU test kits. These can be ordered on the website: https://www.keac.nl/
It is important not to supplement zinc or vitamin B6 a few weeks before the test, as this can distort the result.
HPU therapy plan
In the treatment of HPU, dietary supplements with vitamin B6, zinc and manganese play a central role. If the body has sufficient amounts of these nutrients, it can detoxify the defective heme well and at the same time these nutrients are not lacking elsewhere. There are also combination preparations that contain all three nutrients. It is important to ensure that the preparation contains active vitamin B6 (pyridoxal-5-phosphate), as people with HPU often have difficulty converting inactive forms into active vitamin B6.
In addition to vitamin B6, zinc and manganese, other nutrients may also be useful.
A vitamin B complex is advisable because B vitamins work closely together.
Magnesium is needed for the activation of B vitamins and for energy production. Magnesium deficiency is widespread.
Coenzyme Q10 is important for mitochondrial metabolism and can improve energy balance.
Selenium , MSM (or N-acetylcysteine) and molybdenum can support detoxification.
Chlorella, coriander and wild garlic can also improve detoxification. They bind toxins, making them easier to excrete.
Conclusion: A good supply of nutrients is essential for HPU
In HPU, defective heme is formed. The body needs zinc, vitamin B6 and manganese to detoxify this heme. People with HPU therefore have an increased need for these three nutrients. A dietary supplement with zinc, vitamin B6 and manganese can support the detoxification of the defective heme. At the same time, it can counteract a deficiency in these three nutrients.
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[1] https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B00Q6K7DHQ/ref=kinw_myk_ro_title
[2] https://www.dr-kuklinski.info/das-hws-trauma/
[3] https://www.baumeister-jesch.de/wp-content/uploads/hpu-englisch-flyer.pdf