Many nutrients are needed to form and maintain healthy, strong nails. Changes in the nails, such as grooves, white spots, brittle, soft or splintering nails, are therefore often due to nutritional deficiencies.
But certain diseases and medications can also cause nail problems.
The following nutrients are important for the nails:
Biotin is a B vitamin (vitamin B7) that is involved in the production of keratin. Keratin is a protein that is the main component of nails. It is also important for hair and skin.
It is therefore not surprising that nails become cracked and brittle when there is a biotin deficiency. Studies suggest that taking biotin could actually have a positive effect on brittle nails. In one study, biotin seemed to promote nail growth and improve nail thickness. [1] Taking biotin is probably particularly promising when there is a biotin deficiency.
Zinc also plays an important role in the formation of keratin. [2] Zinc therefore contributes to the maintenance of normal nails. A zinc deficiency can manifest itself as white spots on the nails.
Selenium is an essential nutrient that helps protect against oxidative stress. Selenium also has important functions in cell division. [3]
Selenium is important for nails and helps maintain normal nails. A selenium deficiency can also cause white spots on the fingernails.
Iron has many important functions in the body. On the one hand, it is important for the transport of oxygen in the blood, but it also has important functions in cell division. Many enzymes also require iron as a cofactor.
An iron deficiency can cause nail changes, typically so-called spoon nails, which are hollow-shaped, soft and thin. [4]
Women, vegans and vegetarians are often affected by iron deficiency.
Conclusion: Beautiful, healthy nails are well supplied with nutrients
Many nutrients play an important role in the formation and maintenance of healthy nails. Nail problems are therefore often due to nutrient deficiencies. If you have existing problems, you should pay particular attention to ensuring you have a good supply of iron, biotin, zinc and selenium.